What is Different in the 3.0 Version?

In Drums by PhilipLeave a Comment

I’ve just announced that I’ve updated my eBook, but you may be wondering… what makes it better than the 2.0 version?

Allow me to explain…


Updated Drum Building Processes

Since writing the 2.0 version almost 3 years ago, I’ve learned a lot, to say the least. I’ve continued to make mistakes as I’ve developed and honed new drum building processes so that you won’t ever have to make them. You need to know some of the mistakes I’ve made so you won’t make them.

New Finishing Techniques

Become a master in all areas of drum finishing. I’ve added newer techniques for finishing your drums.

I’m Holding Nothing Back

I reveal all of my suppliers, tips, tools, and ideas for starting a custom drum company that I had previously kept to myself for fear of giving you too much…I mean this is really good stuff that will help you become successful in much less time.

New and Improved Snare Bed Tutorial

Installing snare beds can be intimidating. I’ve included a much better tutorial on how to create snare beds so that you’ll be able to install your snare beds perfectly every time.

Marketing Tips and Tools For Selling Drums

I’ve included some extremely valuable tools for marketing your custom drum company, tools that I use personally to help grow my business. These are things that will help you sell the drums that you make.

If you want to learn more about what all you’ll get when you by my eBook just click on the link below for more information:

Tell me more about the eBook!

Remember you only have 5 more days until the price of the eBook goes up to $50!

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