What do you want more of?

In General Updates by Philip6 Comments

Lately I've been asking a lot of my twitter followers what they think of this website. I have gotten some great feedback and I plan on making a couple of changes to this site in the near future. I've gotten lots of feedback from the new drum building podcast. That will definitely stay and I'll be adding more episodes in the future. I strive to offer the best drum building information and content for the blog, and I wanted to ask for your feedback. The question is simple; What do you want to see and hear more of on the blog? Who would you like to hear interviewed for the podcast? Any idea that you could offer would be greatly appreciated! This blog is for you. Just leave a comment below and tell me what you want more of!


  1. I'd like to see more videos showing how to do stuff. I'm more of a visual guy, sure a lot of others are too!

  2. I would also like to see more videos as well. Also if you would be able to go more in-depth on different types of finishes and how to apply them. Also showing how to do proper lug layout, a video on the certain steps you take in the process.

  3. where do I get the raw drum shell.

  4. I would like to know how to build the shells. like i've watched videos on how some companies make them… but i'm not a company and don't have a machine that curves the wood so i can glue and clamp everything to make it round. so my commnent is how do i curve the wood without having a machine to do it.

  5. I think you should create different episode podcasts for the different kits you make, showing the project from start to finish.

  6. Author

    Building drum shells is quite a task to take on. I have never actually made a drum shell from scratch. Theoretically I might be able to make a simple mold and create a ply drum shell, but I would much rather leave that up to the professional shell makers that have been doing it for decades. I’d much rather spend my time focusing on other aspects of the drum instead of spending my time and energy on making a shell from scratch(and probably ruining a few shells in the process). I may try to build a shell one day….and when I do, I’ll provide a tutorial and tips for you. Thanks!

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