That’s one very large floor tom…

In Drums, General Updates, Reader's Drum Pictures by Philip4 Comments

I just completed work on a 20″ floor tom and I couldn’t be more happy with the results. It’s huge, it’s beautiful, and it sounds like a cannon going off (or at least what I think a cannon sounds like, because I have actually never heard a cannon going off.)

This was a fun build for me. This was the first time I had ever had wood burning done on a drum, and also the first time that I used Ego’s rounded claw that actually attaches to the bass drum hoop. (I’ll be adding a “How to Install Attachable Bass Drum Hoop Claws” section in the book soon!) You may wonder why I used bass drum hoops as opposed to flanged hoops…well if you can find me a pair of 20″ 8 hole black chrome hoops I would love to know where they are. I searched everywhere for them, but no one carries or makes them.

Here are some pictures from the building process.

20 inch floor tom with black pearl inlay and wood burning

I wish I could say that I had burned that design onto the drum, but I’m pretty sure no one wants me to mess up their drum shell with my drawing/burning skills.

huge custom floor tom drum on the dirty shop floorI know, I need to sweep my shop floor. There is sawdust from cutting 3″ inlay strips into 7 drums, and bearing edges on 3 drums.

Ego Rounded Claw for bass drum hoopsI really like the look of these attachable drum claws, however there are some installation tips that need to be addressed if you have never worked with them before. All of the tips I picked up on from using these hoop claws will be added in the the “How to Make Custom Drums” bonus section in the next week or so.

counter sunk screw keeps your bass drum hoop flush
These counter sunk screws are barely noticeable from far away, and they are flush with the inside of the bass drum hoops.

Completed 20 inch custom bass drum shell made into a floor tomNot a very good quality photo (camera phone), but this is the finished product with my badge attached.

I have been extremely busy the past month, and have slacked on keeping my readers up to date in the drum building community. For that I apologize and I will try to do a better job! I have lots going on in the shop these days so I should have plenty to talk about on here. I am in the process of building a studio kit that will be very much like this floor tom, except it instead of the black pearl inlay it will have aged white pearl inlay, and instead of black chrome all around it will be just chrome hardware. It will have tube lugs and hoop claws. 10″, 12″, 14″, 16″ and 20″ kick. Here is a picture of my progress so far:

my custom drum set that I am building


  1. I was just curious how you had the wood burning done. Im interested in trying that on a snare im building and was planning on doing it by hand (with a tattoo artist friend’s help haha) and was wondering how you had such an intricate design made. Your drums look great by the way, the 20″ tom looks like it would knock down walls! Keep up the good work!

    -Rob Brown

  2. Author

    I wish I had a good answer for you, but that wood burning was done by an artist friend of mine that actually has been studying pyrography (wood burning)for a while. I know there is a lot to it…because I went out and bought a cheap wood burning pen, and tried to make some of my own designs on a scrap piece of wood…but they did not turn out very well at all. Good Luck!

  3. I tried to submit a comment earlier, although it has not shown up. I will remember this.

  4. hey just here to ask how and you fitted the midpart

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