Maybe you’re on the fence about building a drum, or maybe you just flat out don’t want to build your own drum. Either way, these are just a handful of reasons why you really should consider building your own custom drums. Save money. For most people, this is the deciding factor to build a custom drum set as opposed to …
20 Gift Ideas for Drummers and Drum Builders
Christmas is right around the corner, so it’s time to start thinking about potential gifts ideas! I’ve compiled a list of gifts that I would want for myself this Christmas, and I’ve included some of the gifts that fans on Facebook mentioned! Overall this is a list of goodies that would make any drummer/drum-builder happy. You can also refer back …
Custom Drum Builder Profile: Justin Kochenberger
Custom Drum Making Name: Justin Where do you live? Philadelphia, Pa Drum Sizes Snare Drum – 14×8, Bass Drum – 26×16, Floor Tom – 16×16, Rack Tom – 13×8 What type of shells did you use? All shells are 8 ply Keller VSS Maple with reinforcement rings on the snare drum. What type of drum hardware did you use? All …
Truth Custom Drums @ Winter NAMM 2012 – Pictures and Videos
Truth Custom Drums Truth had some great drums at their booth. They just released a Matt Greiner signature production model kit that sounds phenomenal! If your interested in hearing what Truth Drums sound like you can check out their new site that provides high quality audio samples of truth drums. You can also keep up with Truth by following them … Top Posts of 2011 (according to Google Analytics)
It’s been amazing year for and I wanted to recap some of the most visited blog posts and pages of the site for the year 2011. If you are brand new to the site, this is a great place to start! Enjoy, and please join in the conversations and leave some feedback in the comments area! HERE’S to an …
5 Drum Building Tools That Will Improve Your Custom Drums
Drum Building Tools I have been a customer of Drum Foundry for about 7 years, and every interaction I have ever had with the people at Drum Foundry has been extremely pleasant. As far as I know, they are the only company that actually creates and innovates drum building tools specifically for the at home/garage custom drum builder. These products …
Bass Player – Turned Drummer Builds His 1st Custom Drum Set
Building a Custom Drum For The First Time This is a guest post from John A. Ledingham, PhD. He and his new custom drum set reside in Columbus, Ohio. I started out not as a drummer, but as a bass player in my hometown of Springfield, Ohio. One Thursday afternoon, the leader of a group I was playing bass with …
Interview with Custom Drum Builder Troy Townsley
MDP 002 – Interview with Drum Builder Troy Townsley
Had a great interview with Troy Townsley. He had some great insight for drummers looking to get sponsored by a custom drum company since he has been sponsored by some great drum companies as well as some great insight into his building process.
Mentioned in this Podcast:
* Advent Custom Drums
* Risen Custom Drums
* Truth Custom Drums
* SJC Custom Drums
* A tip for potential drum builders that don’t own any tools
Check out the drum set that Troy Just got done building:
Interview with Custom Drum Builder Ryan Voight
Interview with Drum Building Ryan Voight Philip: I’m here with Ryan Voight, who has recently built some pretty amazing snare drums and I’ve actually covered some of his progress on the blog, if you read down below you can see a couple of the posts and check out the drums he’s built. How’re you doing today, Ryan? Ryan: I’m good, …