Maybe you’re on the fence about building a drum, or maybe you just flat out don’t want to build your own drum. Either way, these are just a handful of reasons why you really should consider building your own custom drums. Save money. For most people, this is the deciding factor to build a custom drum set as opposed to …
Interview with Custom Drum Builder Troy Townsley
MDP 002 – Interview with Drum Builder Troy Townsley
Had a great interview with Troy Townsley. He had some great insight for drummers looking to get sponsored by a custom drum company since he has been sponsored by some great drum companies as well as some great insight into his building process.
Mentioned in this Podcast:
* Advent Custom Drums
* Risen Custom Drums
* Truth Custom Drums
* SJC Custom Drums
* A tip for potential drum builders that don’t own any tools
Check out the drum set that Troy Just got done building:
Interview with Custom Drum Builder Ryan Voight
Interview with Drum Building Ryan Voight Philip: I’m here with Ryan Voight, who has recently built some pretty amazing snare drums and I’ve actually covered some of his progress on the blog, if you read down below you can see a couple of the posts and check out the drums he’s built. How’re you doing today, Ryan? Ryan: I’m good, …
Ryan Voight Knows How to Build Drums
Just got some amazing pictures of a new custom snare drum that Ryan from Lubbock built! Aside from being a great drum builder, Ryan is also a great photographer! Check out his work at I look forward to seeing more drum from you Ryan! Great job!
My favorite Custom Drum Builders
Custom Drum Building Inspiration I recently received and email from someone that was about to start building their very 1st custom drum set. He asked me how I decide on the finish and hardware of a particular drum or drum set that I’m building. This question has always been tough for me because I don’t always feel creative. I do …
How to Make an Inlay Jig for your Router Table and Cut/Install Perfect Inlay on your Custom Drum Set!
The follow section is taken right from the pages of “How to Make Custom Drums”. Like what you see? You might want to consider buying the full version to learn everything you need to know to be able to build your very own custom drum or drum set! Making an Inlay Jig for your Router Table Inlay’s can make your …
How to Wrap a Drum Shell Part 2
How to Wrap a Drum Shell This is the 2nd and last post on how to wrap your drum shells! Enjoy! Check out the first post here. Another important blog post to view along with this post is “How to Keep your Wrap Seams From Coming Up“. Applying Contact Cement After you have made sure there is not sanding dust …