DRUMMERS: How to Get More Gigs

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How to Get More Drum Gigs

I just wanted to share something that I think could be pretty cool for all you drummers out there trying to figure out how to get more gigs.

Learn How to Write Drum Charts

I’ve been drumming professionally for about 10 years and for about the last 5 I’ve been using a charting technique that helps me learn and play artist’s music in the studio and live. I’ve probably learned over 500 songs in the past 5 years, some are songs that I’ve had to learn in a week to play at a gig, and some were songs that I had to learn within the hour at a recording session.

I have actually had band leaders ask me “How did you play all those songs with so little rehearsal and not miss a beat? The truth is I just figured out a method of charting songs out on paper that allows me to basically read/play through any tune no matter how long or how complicated the song/drum part is. I always tell beginning drummers 3 things if they want to get better and get more gigs:

  1. Play with anyone and everyone every chance you get – constantly playing with other musicians makes you better, even if they aren’t very good!
  2. Start using a click track now. Practice and performance.
  3. When learning a new song, chart it out.

How to Write a Fast and Easy Drum Chart

I recently came across an ebook that shows you a method very similar to mine, (probably better than mine) and thought I would share it with you. You can check it out here. I bought the eBook version, and it has been a great tool for me to help develop a more accurate charting method! If you’re a drummer that doesn’t have a charting technique and you want to actually get more gigs and impress other musicians/band leaders with your amazing ability to play songs perfect every time – this book is for you! Keep drumming and good luck!

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