Drum Building Safety Tips
I have never had any major incidents when building drums, however there are some important safety precautions to take into consideration. Working with sharp powerful tools should make this obvious, but the joy and excitement of working with those tools can make thoughts of safety drift far away. With that in mind here are 5 tips I feel are crucial in any shop.
Clean your shop
Removing unneeded materials and tools from your work space will help insure that you and your piece are easy to move around as needed.
Pay Attention
Glancing at a TV or door/window or anything other than your cut invites contact with the blade. ALWAYS finish the cut before looking away.
Take your time
If you are in a hurry to get done making your custom drum then you need to take a look at why you are doing the work in the first place. Enjoy the process; it’s not always the destination but the journey.
Invest in yourself
YOU are the most important “piece” while working with wood so protect yourself as you would your project “piece”. Wearing safety goggles, ear protection, dust masks, etc. should be the rule, not the exception
Use your head
Take some time before you start to plan out your cuts and “see” how they will unfold.
Following these guidelines should give you a much more enjoyable and safe drum building experience.
Thanks to Don Sternadel, manger of the Austin Woodcraft Store, for these great safety tips!