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David Milwain on The Importance of Reading Music for Drummers

In Drum Tips, Drummer resources by Philip2 Comments

Rhythm and drumming has been a part of society dating back thousands of years. Something so primitive and natural is simply engrained in our being. We, the individual, need nothing but to harness the rhythm and express it.

When learning a new instrument, be it guitar, piano, drums or any other, the student has the option of learning to read the notation or playing solely by ear. Although learning by ear may be easiest or quickest for a beginner, I am a strong believer that learning to read the notation leads to a more holistic understanding of the instrument. Some music teachers focus solely on the basics of how to play; in my lessons I focus not only on the basics of drumming, but I also place emphasis on sight reading drum set and rhythmic notation along with proper counting and steady breathing techniques to make the student a more well-rounded drummer.

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Mozambique Drum Lesson

In Drummer resources, General Updates by PhilipLeave a Comment

Here is a really cool pattern that helps you build 4-way independence around the drum set! Steve Gadd made this beat famous and I highly recommend watching his video too. In this video I am playing my very own custom drum set that I built! You can learn how to build your own custom drum set! For some free tips …