My Trip to The NAMM Show 2012 I just returned from a 4 day trip to Orange County/Anaheim California and I have a ton of good stuff for you. I’ll be adding blogs pretty frequently in the next week so stay tuned for that. NAMM might have just changed my life. I went with 2 of my drumming brother’s from …
5 Drum Building Tools That Will Improve Your Custom Drums
Drum Building Tools I have been a customer of Drum Foundry for about 7 years, and every interaction I have ever had with the people at Drum Foundry has been extremely pleasant. As far as I know, they are the only company that actually creates and innovates drum building tools specifically for the at home/garage custom drum builder. These products …
Interview with Custom Drum Builder Ryan Voight
Interview with Drum Building Ryan Voight Philip: I’m here with Ryan Voight, who has recently built some pretty amazing snare drums and I’ve actually covered some of his progress on the blog, if you read down below you can see a couple of the posts and check out the drums he’s built. How’re you doing today, Ryan? Ryan: I’m good, …