Kenny Sharretts has worked as a drum tech for Melissa Etheridge, Kelly Clarkson, Peter Frampton, Joss Stone, The American Idols Live, 30 Seconds to Mars, and Smashmouth. He is the current drum tech for Stevie Wonder and Rihanna. As a drummer, he has worked for several Texas legends including Monte Montgomery, Kevin Fowler, Joe King Carrasco, Rusty Wier, George Devore, …
Pro Drummer Tips: Kenny Sharretts on Kick Drum Holes
Kenny Sharretts Kenny Sharretts has worked as a drum tech for Melissa Etheridge, Kelly Clarkson, Peter Frampton, Joss Stone, The American Idols Live, 30 Seconds to Mars, and Smashmouth. He is the current drum tech for Stevie Wonder and Rihanna. As a drummer, he has worked for several Texas legends including Monte Montgomery, Kevin Fowler, Joe King Carrasco, Rusty Wier, …
Drum Tip: Mark Hardware Angles and Height On Your Cymbal and Hardware Stands
Drum Tip: Set Your Drums Up Consistently A couple of days ago Ed Francis shared a tip about spiking your drum set hardware layout with tape to make sure that you set your drums up exactly the same every time, which leads to a more efficient set up and comfort when playing. His post reminded me of another important aspect …